Chart of the week: Give us a sign
<p>We have more reasons than at any time over the past decade to be worried about the global economic outlook over the next 12 months. Notably, US industrial production is contracting quarter- on-quarter. But we don’t think it’s time yet to cash in your chips. A mild contraction in many of these indicators is not actually unusual. Quarterly US industrial production growth has been negative five times now since the recovery began in 2009, sometimes for prolonged periods. Taken together, the indicators are not yet signalling more than a typical mid-cycle slowdown.</p>
29 July 2019 Article last updated 19 February 2023.
We have more reasons than at any time over the past decade to be worried about the global economic outlook over the next 12 months. Notably, US industrial production is contracting quarter- on-quarter. But we don’t think it’s time yet to cash in your chips. A mild contraction in many of these indicators is not actually unusual. Quarterly US industrial production growth has been negative five times now since the recovery began in 2009, sometimes for prolonged periods. Taken together, the indicators are not yet signalling more than a typical mid-cycle slowdown. Read more about what they’re telling us in ‘Leading Indicators‘, an article in our latest InvestmentInsights.