Rathbone Asset Management assessment of value reports

Our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has asked us to assess the value of our funds. It’s important to us that we continually adapt to best serve our investors. To us, this means ensuring you and all other investors are always treated fairly, that we spend time and resource to continually improve our business and that we strive to cultivate a positive and diverse culture where our team members can grow. Value for us is more than just looking at the fees you pay or the performance of your fund in isolation.

The importance of this has been demonstrated over the last few months, as we have entered unprecedented times and very challenging markets. In circumstances such as these, providing value takes on a greater meaning. For us, value is having robust contingency plans in place, so our systems and processes continue to run as normal. Value is our team members being able to work remotely, so we can ultimately keep the show on the road. Value is the ability of our experienced team to manage your investment through these testing times.